The Wellness Clinic

Welcome to the Wellness Clinic. We offer one-on-one consultations focused on total wellbeing

Treat the underlying cause and not just the symptoms

Treatment is aimed at correcting underlying causes as well as providing symptomatic relief. This may involve removal of certain foods from the diet or toxins from the patient’s environment.

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Are you feeling feel low on energy or anxious?

Your health can be making you feel stress, low on energy or even anxious. From allergies and gut health to genetics and stress, we will identify the cause and help you get back to feeling yourself again.

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Hello, I’m Sam. I’m here to help

“After suffering from severe gut issues for years, I studied at the Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine how to help others overcome chronic health issues. I have been healing patients in the Wellness Clinic since 2013.

I will help you find treatment that is aimed at correcting underlying causes as well as providing symptomatic relief. I look forward to being able to help you improve your health, wellbeing and vitality.”

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The Wellness Clinic Services


There are more cases of allergies than ever before. Our immune system is constantly surveillancing threats around us and it can start to over-react. Sometimes, allergies can start early in life or even turn up when we’re older. Trauma, stress and even infection can cause allergies to show up. By identifying the cause we can help the body get back in balance so that you can enjoy life without having to worry about allergies.

Gut Health

The gut is where it all begins. Did you know that most illnesses and diseases can be linked back to the gut? A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep and it may even help prevent some diseases like cancer. We take a holistic approach to identify the causes of your gut issues and work on improving your digestive health for good.


Hemaview is a live blood screening to help us understand your health. We are able to see your Iron Levels, B12 Levels, Inflammation, Liver Health, Gut Health and more. During the Hemaview Test, we will point out what we can see and how this can explain the symptoms you are experiencing. It helps us paint a complete picture so that we can find a roadmap to finding wellness again.

Holistic Testing

At the Wellness Clinic, we live and breathe a holistic approach to health. This means considering multidimensional aspects of wellness. We offer a wide range of holistic testing services like digestive health, hormone testing, hair testing and food allergy testing to name a few. Holistic testing enables us to understand you as an individual to find ways to achieve a more joyful and truly healthy way of living.

Ingeneous Genetic Testing

Your health is incredibly personal, yet most health advice is based on a one-size-fits-most approach. Ingeneous testing helps you make more informed choices, with personalised advice, designed for your unique genetic make-up. With Ingeneous Testing we can help you understand how your inflammatory pathways are reacting to threats and how to “switch off” inflammation and keep it away.

Weight Management & Detoxification

Over the years we all fall into bad habits and may gain a few kilos here and there. We build up toxins within our body that can cause allergies or damage good cells. At the Wellness Clinic we look at the whole picture, the cause and not just the effect, and come up with a plan that is personalised and you can stick to. It all starts with the desire to change your lifestyle.

Stress Management

Anxiety and stress have become a daily part of our lives. A busy lifestyle, long hours at work and day-to-day family life can leave you in a constant heightened state. Constant stress plays a huge role in affecting all parts of your health and wellbeing. At the Wellness Clinic, we focus on identifying why the system is overworked and put in place measures to help you manage your day better with our stress protocol.

Women's and Men's Health

We go through many physical and mental changes throughout our lifetime. Whether it be a traumatic period, fertility, menopause or “manopause” for men, we can perform test to find out how to restore good hormonal balance naturally for your individual needs. We take a holistic approach to your health and we will focus on your total wellbeing.

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Location of Unichem Greenhithe Pharmacy on a map
Unichem Greenhithe Pharmacy

+64 9413 9324

6/8 Greenhithe Rd, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632, New Zealand

Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 9am - 2pm
Sunday: Closed
Closed on Public Holidays

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