5 Biggest Health Benefits of Melatonin Supplements

by Samit Patel on July 26, 2022

Melatonin, a hormone made naturally, acts as a sleeping pill and has helped millions of people combat insomnia. A healthy level of melatonin in the bloodstream helps ensure quality sleep, and melatonin supplements can be used to help induce drowsiness and sleep among people who work night shifts. It has also been studied to help patients with dementia, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia.

Melatonin is widely sold as a dietary supplement. Let's take a look at its biggest health benefits.


1) Improves Your Sleep 

One of the most common uses of melatonin supplements is to improve the quality of sleep. Sleep is controlled by an internal body clock that is regulated by the pineal gland. The pineal gland releases melatonin when it's time for you to sleep, and the melatonin helps you feel drowsy, allowing you to get a healthy night's sleep.

People who suffer from a circadian rhythm sleep disorder and have problems getting to sleep at night or staying asleep during the night can take melatonin supplements to help them get a good night's sleep. Melatonin supplements are not addictive and have not been known to cause any side effects.


2) Helps Your Eye Health

Melatonin supplements may sometimes be prescribed to people with certain eye disorders, particularly retinitis pigmentosa. Retinitis pigmentosa is a disease that affects the retina and causes blindness. People with retinitis pigmentosa who are taking melatonin supplements have been shown to have a reduced incidence of night blindness compared to people who don't take the supplements.

Melatonin is also beneficial for people who have glaucoma. That's because melatonin causes contraction of the pupil, which reduces the amount of light getting into the eyes and can help relieve pressure on the optic nerve.


3) Provides Melatonin to People on the Autism Spectrum

There is a strong correlation between autism spectrum disorders and insomnia. Although this hasn't been directly studied, most people with autism take melatonin supplements because it helps them fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. Melatonin also helps alleviate daytime napping, which is often a sign of sleep deprivation.

In children with autism, melatonin supplements were shown to help improve sleep duration, sleep onset latency, and sleep quality.


4) Helps With Jet Lag

People who travel across many time zones will find melatonin supplements helpful. Jet lag is caused by the difference in the time your body clock thinks it is, compared to the time it is in reality. 

They are generally used in conjunction with exposure to bright light. 

Melatonin supplements will trick your body clock into thinking it's still nighttime, which will tell you to go to sleep after you have probably had a long day.


5) Reduces the Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Melatonin has been shown to reduce the risk for age-related macular degeneration. AMD affects the central part of the retina (called the macula) and causes sharp, central vision loss that can't be corrected with glasses or surgery.

Treatment for AMD includes oral medications and injections, but melatonin supplements are also sometimes used.



Melatonin supplements have been shown to alleviate insomnia and improve sleep quality, as well as help with jet lag and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

At Unichem Greenhithe Pharmacy, we can provide all the vitamins and supplements you might need to grow. We offer medicine online in NZ to grant you easy access to your medications. Get in touch with us today!