Understanding and Managing Common Travel Health Risks: A Guide

by Samit Patel on August 21, 2023

Whether you are preparing for a gap year adventure, a family vacation, or a short business trip, maintaining good health during your travels is vital. It is a well-known fact that travel can expose us to various health risks that we may not usually encounter in our daily lives.

As part of our commitment to providing comprehensive health solutions, we at UniChem Greenhithe Pharmacy focus not only on your healthcare needs at home but also while you're travelling.

Understanding the potential health risks associated with travel helps you plan better and take necessary precautions, ensuring you have a truly enjoyable and worry-free journey. Some of the common health risks when travelling may include, but are not limited to, foodborne and waterborne illnesses, insect bites leading to diseases, altitude sickness, and overexposure to the sun.

Each of these risks can considerably affect your wellbeing, reducing the enjoyment of your travel and, in severe cases, requiring immediate medical intervention.

However, with the right knowledge, you can prevent many of these health risks and manage them effectively, should they arise during your travels. Prevention, after all, is often the safest solution to health risks. By considering the potential health risks and knowing how to counteract them, you equip yourself with valuable knowledge that can significantly improve your travel experience.

In this guide, we will provide you with a broad understanding of the typical health risks you might encounter during your travels, discuss preventative measures, and provide practical advice on managing health issues should they arise during your trip. We are here to support your journey, ensuring you stay healthy and can fully enjoy your travel experience.

Whether you are preparing for a gap year adventure, a family vacation, or a short business trip, maintaining good health during your travels is vital. It is a well-known fact that travel can expose us to various health risks that we may not usually encounter in our daily lives.

As part of our commitment to providing comprehensive health solutions, we at UniChem Greenhithe Pharmacy focus not only on your healthcare needs at home but also while you're travelling.

Understanding the potential health risks associated with travel helps you plan better and take necessary precautions, ensuring you have a truly enjoyable and worry-free journey. Some of the common health risks when travelling may include, but are not limited to, foodborne and waterborne illnesses, insect bites leading to diseases, altitude sickness, and overexposure to the sun. Each of these risks can considerably affect your wellbeing, reducing the enjoyment of your travel and, in severe cases, requiring immediate medical intervention.

However, with the right knowledge, you can prevent many of these health risks and manage them effectively, should they arise during your travels. Prevention, after all, is often the safest solution to health risks. By considering the potential health risks and knowing how to counteract them, you equip yourself with valuable knowledge that can significantly improve your travel experience.

In this guide, we will provide you with a broad understanding of the typical health risks you might encounter during your travels, discuss preventative measures, and provide practical advice on managing health issues should they arise during your trip. We are here to support your journey, ensuring you stay healthy and can fully enjoy your travel experience.


Common Health Risks When Travelling

  • Foodborne and Waterborne Illnesses: Contaminated food and water can lead to diseases such as traveller's diarrhoea, cholera, and hepatitis A. To avoid consuming contaminated food and water, practise good hygiene and opt for bottled water, as well as freshly cooked food served hot.
  • Insect-Borne Diseases: Mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects can transmit potentially harmful diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Lyme disease. Research the specific risks of your travel destination, and consider using insect repellent and wearing protective clothing.
  • Altitude Sickness: Mountainous regions, particularly those with elevations of 2,500 metres or higher, can pose a risk of altitude sickness. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Acclimatise slowly to high elevations, drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol and excessive physical activity.
  • Sun Exposure: Overexposure to the sun can lead to sunburn, dehydration, and heatstroke. Protect yourself with sunscreen, sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, and sufficient hydration.


Preventative Measures for Travel Health Risks

  • Vaccinations: Seek advice from your local UniChem Greenhithe Pharmacy about recommended vaccines for your destination. Schedule your vaccinations well ahead, as some may require multiple doses or a certain amount of time before travel.
  • Insect Repellent: Use an insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, or lemon eucalyptus oil to protect against mosquito bites and other insects. Apply as directed to exposed skin and clothing.
  • Safe Food and Water Choices: Stick to freshly cooked and hot-served food from reputable sources, and avoid tap water, ice, and raw or undercooked food like salads, shellfish, or street food. Drink bottled or boiled water to minimise the risk of waterborne illnesses.
  • Medical Kit: Bring a basic travel medical kit, including essential medications, antidiarrheals, oral rehydration salts, adhesive bandages, and a thermometer, as well as any prescription medications you may need.


How to Manage Health Risks While Travelling

  • Learn about Local Health Facilities: Familiarise yourself with the locations of hospitals, pharmacies, and emergency services, and learn their local phone numbers and addresses. Remember that in New Zealand, the emergency number is 111.
  • Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing a travel insurance policy that covers medical expenses and emergency evacuation, ensuring you have access to medical assistance if needed.
  • Monitor Your Health: Pay attention to any unusual symptoms or changes in your health and seek medical help as soon as you suspect there may be a problem.
  • Follow Recommended Treatments: For issues such as altitude sickness or insect-borne diseases, follow the recommended advice for prevention and treatment. If in doubt, consult a healthcare professional.



Staying healthy during your travels requires a combination of research, preventative measures, and being prepared to manage any health issues that arise. By taking the time to educate yourself about the risks associated with your destination and following the guidelines provided, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience.

Unlock your best health solutions with our expert health and wellness clinic–dedicated to providing a range of treatments and options tailored to your unique needs. Our pharmacists at Unichem Greenhithe Pharmacy are trained by the Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental medicine, giving us an in-depth understanding of medicine and its impact on your overall health. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all treatments and hello to personalised care with our expert team. Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!